Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pointless Observation

I normally tune out commercials and sit there with a rather vacant expression on my face. For some reason today I was paying special attention to these "mind controlling" advertisements, and you know what started to "grind my gears"?
Well I'll tell you..... laundry detergent commercials. Actually anything associated with household cleaning products. Why is it that women seem to be the only sex in these commercials capable of doing a load of laundry, mopping the floor, or washing dishes? Is it really that rare for a man to help with household chores?
I know my husband does the laundry more than I do. He's actually more diligent with the dishes as well. We each have our "cleaning responsibilities" and share an equal role in keeping our home a clean and sanitary environment. It is an unspoken equality. My husband knows that I do not enjoy hand washing dishes because the "floaties" in the sink make me feel nauseous. I know that my husband becomes frustrated when he cannot get the hoover lines on the carpet to look even and orderly, so that is my responsibility. This system works well for us. Well, that is until our child labor kicks in (wink).
My husband often jokes with me about how lucky I am to have a husband who will help around the house. And the rebuttal is always that I wouldn't have married him if he thought he was above offering me assistance in the simple task of cleanliness.
But those commercials today really got me thinking. Am I really "lucky" that my husband will aid in the daily upkeep of our home? Maybe, wives prefer doing the housework themselves because they get the job done right? Are the household cleaning product companies simply, and possibly unconsciously, reinforcing a common stereotype? Hmmm.......
Then, a commercial for a stain remover came on the television and I thought "Yay! Redemption!". But alas, the only reason the man did the laundry was because he had stained his wife's table cloth eating something which he shouldn't have been eating and therefore, did not want to get caught.
The more I pondered on these simple commercials the more I began to realize.... this whole situation is not so much an offensive and sexist attack on women, but more of a slander on the character of men. You guys are all a bunch of sneaky lazy bums who refuse to help your women around the house. I suggest you start a petition to have more men appearing in these commercials in order to regain your helpful and handy character. Maybe they'll start a masculine cleaning product line just for men. I'll be on the lookout for brooms with studs and dish soap that smells like bacon.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I'm Afraid

Yes I'm petrified. Not so much of the vehicle itself, even though there is no way I would EVER own one. What if I have more then three kids? I'll drive a suburban, anything BUT a minivan. Anyway, why am I so afraid of these relatively economic vehicles? Because of the people who drive them. Every time I am cut off, have someone riding my backside, or see someone driving without any regard for other beings on the road it is inevitably a minivan.

Example 1
I am making my way to a three way stop, already indicating that I am going to be turning right. Minivan woman decides that she wants to try and cut me off by coming around my right. Beside the fact that this is completely illegal, when she finally realizes that I (the person in front of her) is turning right she has to slam on her breaks and still almost rear ends me. You can smell the burning rubber can't you?
The worst is not over. When it is my turn to continue I make the turn and proceed down the highway towards my home. The speed limit on this stretch of highway is 40mph which no one seems to abide and as you have probably already suspected here comes minivan woman hot on my heels riding my backside once again as I am abiding by the SPEED LIMIT!
I indicate that I will be turning left and begin to slow down. Minivan woman decides that she is going to try and overtake me on the LEFT!!! Which is the direction I indicated I am going! A vehicle was oncoming so she was not able to perform her once again illegal maneuver. She then had to slam on her breaks once again. But to her relief she realizes that the shoulder is wide enough for her to continue her minivan tirade down the highway. And that makes three illegal maneuvers within a mile stretch.

Example 2
Once again I am behind a minivan and we are waiting for the left turn green signal. Minivan women is busy talking/yelling at her children when the lights go green for the traffic going straight. Minivan woman goes right on through, narrowly missing a barrage of oncoming trucks, diesels and goodness knows what else. And what made matters worse is she was completely oblivious. She honks and flips off the drivers of oncoming traffic. Clearly the numerous oncoming vehicles are the ones who are in the wrong. Isn't it wonderful to know those children saw their mother swearing and acting like a complete baboon and knowing that they now think it is the correct way to function in society. I cringe!

Example 3
This example is dedicated to all the minivan driving males out there. Why do you always look so angry and frustrated while you drive your precious minivans? Driving aggressively and recklessly will not make you appear more manly in your minivan. The rest of us do not need to suffer through your apparent need of an ego. Get the sports car if you must. Whatever makes you more of a man.

*Fine print
We at "It's called an opinion for a reason" realize that not all minivan drivers are crazed and scary. And hopefully these examples are more of the exception rather than the rule.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Nice headband

This commercial tickles me in just the right spot every time I see it.
A hot babe out jogging? Why yes you are sir, yes you are. So Mr. Mayhem, does that headband come in my size? I've recently started running and I sure could use it to help me look less haggard on the treadmill.